Scottsdale Recovery on Via Linda
8889 E Vía Linda
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Addiction Treatment Programs
- Alcohol Rehab
- Substance Abuse
Levels of Care
- Detox Treatment
- Inpatient Addiction Treatment
- Outpatient Addiction Treatment
- Private Insurance Options
- Self-Pay
Contact Scottsdale Recovery on Via Linda
8889 E Vía Linda
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Location Details and Hours
Other Facilities Near Scottsdale
Thumbnail | Name | Address | Phone | Treatment | Insurance |
Scottsdale Recovery on Via Linda |
8889 E Vía Linda |
866-522-3339 | Detox Inpatient Outpatient | Private | |
Scottsdale Recovery on Via Linda |
8889 E Vía Linda |
866-522-3339 | Detox Inpatient Outpatient | Private | |
Scottsdale Recovery on 87th |
8149 N 87th Pl |
602-346-9142 | Detox Inpatient Outpatient | Private | |
Scottsdale Providence Recovery Center |
8889 East Vía Linda Boulevard |
866-954-3103 | Detox Inpatient Outpatient | Private | |
Healthy Futures Eating Disorders |
8065 North 85th Way |
480-451-8500 | Outpatient | Private | |
Purpose Healing Center |
9332 North 95th Way Suite B-203 |
480-579-3319 | Outpatient | Private |
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