Search Results : 662 items found for "meth"

What are Behavioral Addictions?

It is possible for people to lose control over their behavior, and to become addicted to doing certain things. These things include shopping, having sex, and playing video games.

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Lortab Addiction

Lortab is an opiate drug that is a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. If you are taking Lortab and can’t quit despite efforts to do so you are likely addicted. Treatment can help you.

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Roxanol Addiction

Roxanol is a brand name for morphine, and it is a powerful, addictive opiate. An addiction to Roxanol can ruin your life. If you or a loved one is experiencing problems in your life because of Roxanol, know that treatment can help.

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Ativan Addiction

Abuse of Ativan, or in some cases taking it for too long or too regularly, can lead to addiction. This is a serious chronic condition that requires help and treatment to overcome.

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Ambien Addiction

Ambien is a potent drug that helps people with sleeping issues, but it also has many serious side effects. It can lead to addiction, which entails a loss of control over your use of the drug.

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Dangers of Narcotic Abuse

Abuse of narcotic drugs, such as heroin and prescription painkillers, is dangerous. Not only can it lead to addiction and other issues, they also can cause death by overdose.

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