Managing Stress in the Workplace During Recovery

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Once a person has went through treatment and it is time for them to get back to work, there can be other obstacles that they may need to overcome. Sometimes managing stress in the workplace can be tough. When a few steps are taken, managing stress at work can be managed and work can be a place of positive influences and strength.

During recovery the person is taught to handle different situations in life and hopefully one of them is also how to manage stress in the workplace. The most important thing to remember when dealing with work and recovery at the same time, is to have patience and know how to let things go. When things are let go and left where they come from, there shouldn’t be any reason for relapse to recur. It is also important to make sure that the person is still attending support groups and therapy to help the transition back to sobriety and their professional life.

Be Honest With Your Boss

stress in the workplace

Being positive with coworkers can help reduce stress.

One of the most important things that a person needs to do when they are going back to work after recovery, is be open and honest with their boss. More than likely their boss knew about the addiction and rehab but they may not know or understand how the recovery process may work. It is important that they know what the person may be going through. If the worker has longevity and a good relationship with their boss, then being open and honest shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Don’t Take Your Job Stress Home

No matter what type of job stress is present, it is important to never let it go home. When a person who just left rehab goes home, they may still have some weak periods when they can relapse. When there is stress in the workplace and it is brought home, this could lead to a relapse could occur and destroy everything the person just worked so hard for and accomplished.

Socialize With Co-workers

Stress in the workplace can also be managed by socializing with coworkers in and outside of work. This is a great time for the person to build new relationships and connect with people that they may never socialized with before. It is important for them to make sure the coworkers are positive and in no way bring any stress or additions to the table.

Always Eat Lunch

Skipping lunch at lunch break isn’t a good idea. Healthy foods such as veggies, fruits, whole wheat grains and healthy dishes can help manage stress in the workplace during the afternoon. It is common, when a person skips lunch in the last few hours of work they may become tired, irritable and this can lead to stress and grouchiness. It is a good idea to keep healthy snacks like apples, nuts or a banana near to munch on if hunger starts to appear between lunch and clock out time.

Avoid Communication With Stressful Coworkers

Sometimes it is coworkers that can bring on the stress at work. To help manage stress in the workplace, avoid communication when possible. This may not be possible to do often since it may be a boss or someone you work very closely with. If it is someone that communication must be present on a regular basis, it is important to only speak about work. Also, sometimes it can help to try to speak to this person when other people are around. This can help with attitudes or other communication errors. A third person to chime in can help keep your stress level go down and keep communication clear.