Cost of Drug and Alcohol Rehab in West Falmouth, MA
The cost of rehab will depend on the facility you choose and the services they provide. Some facilities may offer scholarships or sliding scale fees based on income.
How Do I Pay for Addiction Treatment in West Falmouth, MA
Most private insurance companies will pay for your drug and alcohol rehab in West Falmouth, MA. If you do not have private insurance, you can pay out of pocket or look into financing options. We also offer a sliding fee scale so that you can pay according to your income.
Types of Addiction Therapy Used in West Falmouth, MA Rehab
There are many types of therapy used in rehab in West Falmouth and the surrounding area. These include cognitive-behavioral therapy, individual counseling, group therapy, and family therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. Individual counseling focuses on the individual’s unique situation and needs. Group therapy provides support and guidance from peers. Family therapy helps heal relationships and communication within the family.
Determine Whether West Falmouth, MA Drug and Alcohol Rehabs Are Right for You
If you are struggling with addiction, drug or alcohol rehab in West Falmouth, MA can offer many advantages. Treatment at a rehab facility can help you detoxify from substances, learn new skills to cope with triggers and cravings, and develop a support system to maintain sobriety. Rehab can also provide structure and support during early recovery, when relapse is most likely to occur.
to speak with our treatment support specialists today for help with finding a rehab for you.