Fort Wayne Indiana Drug Alcohol Rehab

Top 18 Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers in Fort Wayne, IN & Free Treatment Resources

Find the best addiction treatment centers in Fort Wayne. Browse 30+ outpatient rehabs, 30+ inpatient rehabs, and 20+ detox clinics in the state. Get the answer to common rehab FAQs including how much rehab costs in Fort Wayne, substance abuse statistics, and important drug laws.
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Expert Insights

I was so happy to read that Fort Wayne City Council has given our Police Department $350,000 to fund a clinical social worker and peer recovery coach. Having worked in crisis services alongside the police, I can attest to how important it is to have a mental health provider out with law enforcement. Mental illness plays such a large role in social problems and the use of substances and behavioral health support is needed more than criminal justice. We cannot help someone find recovery, or overcome the trauma that led to their substance use, if they are stuck in a prison or jail cell. My hope is that with other states, this new partnership can support people on the streets in mental health crises being supported and stabilized with community resources, freeing up the police department to deal with crime and safety.

~ Olivia Pennelle

How Expensive is Drug Rehab in Fort Wayne?

The costs associated with Fort Wayne alcohol rehabs vary widely with the amenities in each facility—private, luxury, government-funded, and charity-run facilities.

In addition, each person’s journey to recovery starts at a different place. For some, it may need to begin at an inpatient facility that includes room and board and lasts for several months, while another person may start in an outpatient clinic.

Several factors that contribute to the cost are:

Inpatient vs. outpatient setting

Amenities offered

Duration of treatment

Insurance accepted

Choosing a facility in-network with health insurance provider

Government or charitable funding

Treatment given more frequently, like 24/7 inpatient care, will cost more than programs that provide care over just a number of hours per day. Likewise, if you participate in a program for six months to one year, you should expect a higher cost than a three-month program. But the type and length of a program are determined by your needs, not by your ability to pay.

There are some Fort Wayne drug rehabs that provide gourmet food, massage, and expansive properties with few patients. These are typically called “luxury” or “executive” and cost much more.

Are There Low-Cost and Free Drug Rehab Centers in Fort Wayne?

Fort WayneYour financial state should never be a reason not to get help for addiction. That is why Fort Wayne offers a number of government-funded or free facilities. They receive funds from Medicaid, federal, or state grants.

Your cost can be determined by your income and ability to pay. At times and due to circumstances, care can even be free. However, if beds are full at state-funded rehabs, they may give priority to:5

  • Pregnant women
  • Single mothers
  • People who use injection drugs
  • People with multiple conditions

There are other options if you don’t qualify for a spot at a government-funded rehab. Many are privately funded or take donations.

Do Medicare and Medicaid Cover Rehab Center Costs?

Medicare and Medicaid do cover rehab but to different degrees. Again, this depends on the type of coverage you have and on the treatment center you choose.

Medicare covers mental health, including substance abuse disorder, mostly like other medical conditions. But there are some restrictions.6 Medicare Part A covers inpatient treatment (including rehab), Part B covers outpatient care, and Part D covers prescriptions.6 This means that education, psychotherapy, aftercare, and more are covered.6 But if you need to be hospitalized at an inpatient psychiatric hospital, they only cover up to 190 days in a lifetime.6 And, it is not renewable.6 Alongside the limitation on hospitalization, there are some specifications for receiving partial hospitalization and outpatient as well.6

Medicaid provides fuller coverage with fewer limitations but is not accepted at all rehab facilities and detox centers in Fort Wayne. However, most treatment centers have their policies listed on their websites or can be made readily available.

The following mental health services are covered by Medicaid:7

  • Screening
  • Detox
  • Medications
  • Inpatient hospitalization
  • Residential
  • Outpatient
  • Other services

Does Private Insurance Cover Addiction Treatment?

Indiana law implemented the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 into state mandates for insurance.8 This means that your insurance has to cover mental health and substance abuse disorders at comparable copays and deductibles as other health conditions.8

So, if you have insurance, they must provide some coverage for substance use disorder treatment. To find out how much they will cover, you can contact your insurance or ask for help at your addiction treatment centers of choice.

Each insurance may vary in coverage, and it is possible that some services could be limited.

How Does Fort Wayne Compare in Alcohol and Drug Use?

In Indiana in 2021, the number of drug overdose deaths hit a record high for the second consecutive year – an estimated 2,755 Hoosiers died from overdoses, according to the CDC.1 If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and substance use disorder, there are 20 accredited alcohol and drug rehab centers in Fort Wayne and the surrounding area that can help put you on the path to recovery.2

In Indiana, drug and alcohol use disorder is a serious issue. In 2017, Indiana had the 14th highest drug overdose death rate in the U.S.1 Allen County averaged on the mid-lower side of deaths by overdose than other counties in Indiana but was still high.1

In 2019, Indiana had four more per 100,000 deaths due to drug use than the national average.2 Some further statistics gathered by the Allen County Drug & Alcohol Consortium 2020 and America’s Health Rankings 2021 are:3, 4

Choosing the Right Level of Care

Like many mental health conditions, treatment for substance use disorder is given along a “continuum of care.” This includes early intervention for high-risk situations and concludes with aftercare and lifelong support. Though people start “on the path” at any point, the general timeline proceeds as such:9

Early intervention: This consists of education and assistance to people who are in high-risk situations for substance use disorder.

Medical Detox: A cleaning out of the substance from your body is sometimes necessary before starting other aspects of rehab.

Inpatient: This involves 24/7 care in a psychiatric hospital or residential treatment center.

Outpatient: This ranges from partial hospitalization programs (PHPs), to intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) and standard outpatient treatment. They differ by the amount of time spent in treatment per day and week.

Aftercare: This encourages the continuation of healthy living habits and supportive communities to continue on with sobriety after rehab.

What to Consider When Choosing the Right Fort Wayne Drug Rehab

There are many different rehabs available, and it can be hard to know which one to choose. Several factors you can consider are:

  • Location: Rural vs. city or hospital vs. residential
  • Level of care: Inpatient, intensive outpatient, or traditional outpatient
  • Treatment tracks: Alcohol, narcotics, or dual diagnosis
  • Amenities: Equine therapy, massage, or other available luxuries
  • Community available: Men, women, young adults, religious, or LGBTQ+
  • Family/visitor policy: Possible restrictions to having visitors while there
  • Cost: Whether your insurance covers this rehab and whether you need a low-cost option

All the factors above can help you narrow down which Fort Wayne drug or alcohol rehab is right for you.

What Qualities to Look for in a Drug Rehab in Fort Wayne

Program Accreditation: Accreditation allows you to have confidence in the quality and safety of a program. Organizations can act with authority as third-party members to judge treatment facilities without bias.

High Staff-to-Patient Ratio: You want to be sure you are seen and heard wherever you receive treatment. Having a higher staff-to-patient ratio helps. Though there are limits on the number of people who can be treated at one time, some places have higher limits or reach those limits more quickly.

Individualized Treatment Plans: You are a unique person with a unique background. Why shouldn’t your treatment plan be? Your journey to and from recovery may look different from someone with a similar background.

Aftercare Planning: Evidence-based practices and therapies are tested in large clinical trials, usually with thousands of people. This means they are expected to work for the vast majority of a given population.

Medical Care: Though medical care is not usually necessary for substance use disorder treatment, it can be helpful to have it available. There is always a possibility of an emergency, and knowing that you would be treated in a timely manner is important.

Should You Travel for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Fort Wayne?

Fort WayneFort Wayne is the second-largest city in Indiana, located in the northeast part of the state. There are nearly half a million people living in the city, and it is a center of activity. It is full of history, community events, and entertainment.

There are several naturally preserved areas with hiking trails that offer outdoor experiences. As a central location in Allen County, there is no shortage of life in Fort Wayne. If you are looking for a rehab that is away from home but still full of life, Fort Wayne may have what you are looking for.

There are several neighborhoods throughout Fort Wayne. A few to consider are:

  • West Central: This neighborhood is rated at an average livability score. It tends to have a lower cost of living, but there is a slightly higher-than-average crime rate. However, there are many restaurants, shops, and parks that make this area desirable.
  • East State: East State offers several locally owned stores and restaurants and is a short drive from any part of town. There is a low crime rate, and it is easy to walk to the main park for the many local festivals or events. If you want to be in the center of things, East State may be for you.
  • Lakewood Park: This area has some beautiful scenery, including lakes, as the name suggests. Along with that, there are restaurants and several coffee shops to enjoy. Located on the Southern side of Indiana, it could be a neighborhood worth checking out.
  • Cherry Hill: Cherry Hill is a high-end neighborhood that ranks as one of the safest in Fort Wayne. The Cherry Hill Gold Club offers plenty of events and recreational activities for locals. While it is a more expensive neighborhood, the quiet and cleanliness are worth it for many people.

Drug and Alcohol Laws in Fort Wayne, IN

Indiana’s Naloxone Access Laws: In light of the increase in opioid-related deaths in the past decade, Indiana created these laws to increase access to naloxone. Naloxone is the antidote to opioid poisoning. With these laws, healthcare providers can prescribe naloxone to anyone at high risk for overdose. Additionally, these laws provide some immunity for crimes of substance and paraphernalia possession for those who seek help in an overdose.

Indiana’s House Enrolled Act 1007: With the goal of reform, not jail time, in mind, the House Enrolled Act 1007 helps employers help employees. If you test positive on a drug test at work, this act helps your employer give you a second chance. For qualifying employees who agree to participate, a drug education program or rehab can be made available to you. And your job will be waiting for you when you return.15


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Medical Reviewer
Sendra Yang, PharmD, MBA
Medical Information Professional
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Sendra Yang received her Doctor of Pharmacy and Master of Business Administration degrees from Wingate University School of Pharmacy. She has experience in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacy education, and clinical practice. She has also been a medical writer, editor, and reviewer for consumer health and medical content, including materials relating to addiction and rehabilitation.
Olivia Pennelle
Olivia Pennelle
Counselor, Expert Author, Podcaster
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Located in Portland, OR, Olivia Pennelle (Liv) is an author, journalist & content strategist. She's the founder of Liv’s Recovery Kitchen, a popular site dedicated to providing the ingredients for a fulfilling life in recovery. Liv also co-founded the podcast Breaking Free: Your Recovery, Your Way. She found recovery in 2012 & her pathway is a fluid patchwork of what works for her.