Vanguard Behavioral Health
1815 W St Marys Rd
Tucson, AZ 85745
Addiction Treatment Programs
- Alcohol Rehab
- Substance Abuse
Levels of Care
- Detox Treatment
- Inpatient Addiction Treatment
- Outpatient Addiction Treatment
- Private Insurance Options
- Self-Pay
Location Details and Hours
Other Facilities Near Tucson
Thumbnail | Name | Address | Phone | Treatment | Insurance |
Carondelet Health Network St Marys Hospital Mental Health Treatment |
1601 West Saint Marys Road |
520-872-3000 | Detox Inpatient | Private | |
Behavioral Awareness Center Medically Assisted Treatment Center |
2002 West Anklam Road |
520-629-9126 | Detox Outpatient | Medicaid | |
La Frontera Center Casa de Vida |
1900 West Speedway Boulevard |
520-792-0591 | Detox Inpatient | Medicaid | |
Perception Counseling |
36 West Franklin Street Simons Building |
520-623-7077 | Detox Outpatient | N/A | |
CODAC Womens Recovery Services Las Amigas |
502 North Silverbell Road |
520-202-1716 | Inpatient Outpatient | Medicaid Private | |
Community Health Services |
110 South Church Avenue |
480-949-8871 | Outpatient | N/A |
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