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Gambling addiction is officially a compulsive or behavioral addiction. Gambling is when someone bets something, usually money, in order to have a chance at winning more money. People bet on a lot of things including cards, horse racing, sports, and dog races. Although the main focus on gambling addiction is the financial ruin, gambling addiction often has severe negative consequences to the families of the addict as well.
Financial Ruin in Families
The significant other and the children of a gambling addict suffer the negative consequences of the gamblers actions. They wind up in debt, unable to pay bills, and very often homeless because of the gamblers addiction. Many families break up over debts, bills, and fight over money. Gambling addiction just makes this worse. In the case of gambling addiction, the gambler will bet money that the family does not have to spend such as the money for rent, mortgage, or other bills.
Loss of Trust within Families
Gamblers will often lie about their gambling habits. It is only a matter of time before the family finds out where all of the money is going and recognizes the lies for what they are. These lies destroy the families trust in the gambler.
People with a gambling addiction may also get bad enough to steal from family and friends. Theft is one of the worst things that people can do to each other. It includes a complete loss of trust because of the deception and the actual theft.
Gambling Addiction Coincides with Other Addictions
People who have a gambling addiction often have other addictions as well. Alcohol addiction and gambling go hand in hand. Just as drinking establishments and gambling establishments go together gambling addiction and alcohol addiction do as well.
Abuse and Neglect
As tensions about money mount, someone with a gambling addiction has the possibility of becoming abusive. The anger that can be associated with financial loss and instability can turn to violence very quickly.
People who gamble excessively also often neglect their family, especially their children. This neglect is often to stay at gambling establishments or to find money to gamble more. The more time a parent spends away from their children to gamble the more neglectful they become. There is also the possibility of financial neglect.
People with a gambling addiction often neglect their parental responsibilities. They do not pay bills or purchase food in favor of spending their money gambling. When all of the money goes to pay back bets there is no money left for the necessities.
Gambling addiction is a treatable addiction. With time, counseling, and treatment, it is possible to overcome a gambling addiction and get your life and more importantly your family back. Most counseling for gambling addiction also includes family counseling to help repair the damage done.